Recovering from a breakup, a response to


A new study has found that despite feeling more breakup-related pain, women come out of breakups significantly better than men. Because they’re tough.

I think men are the ones that should be tough. Tough is masculine. The above quote reveals something masculine about women.

But women survive all that pain to recover more fully, and emerge from splits feeling emotionally stronger. Men, meanwhile, NEVER fully recover, don’t gain any emotional life lessons, and just move on. Depressing.

But why? It doesn’t make evolutionary sense. Craig Morris doesn’t explain why men never learn life lessons. Wouldn’t it be an evolutionary advantage if men gained life lessons from breakups so that they would not suffer the same fate in the next relationship, so they would be more likely to pass their genes?

And isn’t there so much variation that at least SOME men recover from a breakup fully? Aren’t there some women that never fully recover?

More thoughts

Is it sociological or biological that women recover from a breakup and men never get over their ex’s and don’t gain any emotional life lessons?

Also, do men with higher testosterone levels experience more or less pain from a breakup? Do they have an easier or harder time recovering? I couldn’t find an answer on the web, no matter how hard I search on Google. Face width to height ratio? What about tall men vs. short men?

Everyone who sees this, I want you to share it with others. I would love my blog posts to go viral so much of the world can see them. But it’s been a few years and still NONE of my blog posts have gone viral.

On juggernaut law, a response to and Reddit

Very counterintuitive. Shouldn’t very attractive women be more likely to be married because they will attract more men? Shouldn’t unattractive women have a harder time finding men that are attractive to them that they should be less likely to be married?

Is there any evolutionary reason for this?

It’s also disappointing. Ideally, physical attractiveness should be positively correlated with romanticism in both genders but especially women. Very physically attractive women should be hyperromantic, physically unattractive women should be aromantic. Also, physically attractive women should have more children so that there are more offspring that are attractive, and physically unattractive women should have fewer children so that not as many genes for physical unattractiveness are passed on.

I searched on Google but couldn’t find an answer to whether physically unattractive women are more romantic than physically attractive women, but if that’s the case, shouldn’t I have found the answer by now? I found no answer.

Is there any evidence against juggernaut law? Say so in the comment. – how come it’s not also true that beauty wants as beauty does? Does beauty not want what beauty does? Does beauty want what beauty does not?

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