Ideal vs. actual gender traits and differences

Ideal: women are more romantic than men; Actual: men are more romantic.

Ideal: women are romantic and lovey-dovey; Actual: Women are pragmatic in relationships.

Ideal: men are at their sexual prime at age 21 and women at age 18; Actual: Men are at their prime at age 18 give or take a couple years and women at age 35 give or take several or years.

Ideal: Women are committed to their partners; Actual; Women get bored by sex in just one year.

Ideal: Women take longer to fall in love, but once they all in love, they fall out of love slower; Actual: Women fall in love slower and fall out of love faster.

Ideal: men focus on the future; Actual: Women focus on the future and men on the present.

Ideal: Men recover and grow from breakups. Actual: Women feel more pain initially, but recover very soon. Men on the other hand, might not feel pain at the first bit, but most of them never recover – the pain only gets worse over time.

Ideal: Men have a more stable (not stronger, but more stable) immune system. Ideal: Autoimmune diseases are more common in women, but tend to be more severe in men. Additionally, testosterone destabilizes T helper cells, increasing the risk of inflammation. Since testosterone is immunosuppressive, it makes sense that testosterone levels drop and estrogen and progesterone levels rise in both sexes when infected with diseases like COVID-19.

Ideal: Men tend to speak with an outdoor voice and women with an indoor voice. Actual: Women yell more than men.

Ideal: Men are more crafty. That would give them a competitive advantage over non-crafty men in competition for mates, since they could use manipulation on their rivals as well as on women that are already taken. Actual: Women are more cunning and manipulative.

Ideal: Assortative mating in which physically unattractive men are more likely than physically attractive men to mate with unattractive women, and physically attractive women are more likely than physically unattractive women to mate with handsome men; Actual: hypergamy and juggernaut law in which physically attractive women are more likely to form exclusive relationships rather than pure sexual relationships, and less likely to have sex within the first week of meeting their partner. References:,, and

Any that I missed will be below here, but before the next header

Ideal: Women need love than men in romantic relationships. The gender that receives more love should be the one that needs more love. Actual: According to PsychologyToday and the Romantic Beliefs Scale, men have more positive feelings upon hearing the words “I love you” than women.

Ideal: Men spend more on Valentine’s day, while women expect more. Actual: Men spend more and expect more. Source: Thankfully, though, the gender gap in spending is less than the gender expectation.

Conclusion and solutions

As I said earlier in, many differences are disappointing.

Eugenics could be used to eliminate women that are not their sexual ideal – for example, eliminating aromantic women and women that are hardwired to break up – and spare the women with the sexual ideals mentioned above. The same could be done for men, for example, eliminate the men that never recover, and favor the men that recover, and spare the men that have the ideals mentioned above. But bioengineering would be better. Genetic modification… CRISPR-Cas9? Or is that for obesity? We could be like the Yuuzhan Vong in Star Wars Legends (no longer canon per Disney, but that’s off-topic), but we’d differ from them in two ways. First, we should have absolutely no objection to using mechanical and electronic technology, we should just prefer organic biotechnology – something in common with the Charon (formerly Char’ontee or however it’s spelled) of Otherspace in Star Wars Legends, but not worshipping death, let alone considering life an abomination. Second of all, we should not be sadomasochistic like Yuuzhan Vong, we should not be ruthless, cruel, or bloodthirsty.

Sexual engineering? I’m not talking about transgenderism, or LGBTQ+ for that matter.

What about alternative psychology or reverse psychology?

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