How female promiscuity could be an evolutionary advantage, and more

Maybe they had to acquire genetic material from other males… Well, mating doesn’t affect a woman’s own genetic make up I don’t think. But she might have more diverse offspring.

Or maybe she has to try multiple men. The following might give you anxiety: so I recommend not to look at it. But if if you copy it and paste and go, and suffer from anxiety or stress, you’re on your own. It’s your choice. It’s something I’m referencing.

Another thing – men may have more deleterious results than women. Correct me if I’m wrong in the comment section, but I think men’s sperm DNA damage with age is more than women’s ovary DNA damage.

Edit: I forgot to mention that if a woman was polyandrous, multiple men might mean more resources. A woman might get combined resources of multiple men. Actually, a woman might have two partners, one with (maybe younger) genetic fitness for healthy genes and one (maybe older) for resources. I think I found an article that mentioned a woman having two partners one for healthy genes and one for resources, but I don’t know what article it was found in and I don’t know what the article is.

In spite of female promiscuity and male commitment, we have twice as many female as male ancestors.

Bateman’s principle only applies to viviparous animals. Female promiscuity is most advantageous in ovuliparious and oviparious animals, while polygyny is most advantageous in viviparous animals. This is because oviparious and ovuliparious females can have more offspring and viviparous females can’t have as many offspring, but the same is not true for males. seems counterintuitive as well. But see’s%20Likely%20A%20Woman%20Thing&text=One%20study%20published%20in%20PLOS,men%20looking%20at%20paired%20women. Based on those two, maybe single women are more likely to initiate contact with married men than vice versa, while single men are more likely to initiate contact with single women than vice versa.

Since women are more likely to initiate divorce, you’d think it’s female hormones that cause people to divorce. But men with higher testosterone levels are more likely to initiate divorce than men with lower testosterone. Maybe both estrogen and testosterone, but not progesterone, are positively correlated with a woman’s likelihood to divorce. To explain this, when falling in love, a woman’s testosterone increases (which increases her lust), while a man’s decreases (which would decrease his lust). Testosterone is also immunosuppressive, so this means that when a man falls in love, his immune system gets stronger due to the decrease of immunosuppressive testosterone, while when a women falls in love, the rise of immunosuppressive testosterone weakens her immune system.

Women being less romantic than men and recovering fully from breakups? I still think it’s feminine to be romantic and lovey-dovey and masculine to be cold-tempered, pragmatic, and heartless. I’d be surpised if men didn’t prefer women that are the former and women didn’t prefer men that are the latter. which suggests men are more romantic and and which suggests women take breakups easier. Women don’t have more to lose than men from mating, per se, they just have more to lose by choosing the wrong partner.

The AVPR1A gene also makes a woman inclined to cheat.,, and So men should date and marry women without that gene. Should eugenics be used to select against that gene? What about DRD4? Sure, men and women should make effort to overcome their biology.

It’s not like in Hallmark TV shows.

Men falling in love: A response to Romper and Pubmed

I might advise you not to click these links, because these could give you anxiety and stress: links to and

Men are more romantic when monogamous than when non-monogamous? They respond to romantic stimuli most when monogamous? Men don’t respond to stimuli of women other than their partners, but ignore even attractive ones?

Why isn’t the same true for women?

Seems very counterintuitive. For one thing, whatever happened to men spreading their seed? Men can have many children if they have relations with many women. The more women a man has sex with, the more offspring he can have. The same is not true for women. Women can get pregnant a max of once a year, regardless of how many partners she has. Hence, from the evolutionary perspective, it only makes sense that it be women that find most pleasure in romance when monogamous, not men. And from the evolutionary perspective, it should be women that ignore men other than their partners. It would make sense that it be men that respond to stimuli of other women so they would have sex with them (men spreading their seed) and therefore more children, per Bateman’s principle. And men be more romantic when polyamorous and women more romantic when monogamous and committed.

What is the evolutionary reason for the counterintuitive thing in question?

Why doesn’t Romper allow comments on its posts such as what I linked to? Risk of spam or trolling?

Can women and men lie on Pew Research? Could men be overreporting romantic attitude and women overreporting aromantic attitude (not specifically on Pew Research)?

Why are girls so insensitive to their ex’s broken hearts?

Why are women so insensitive to their ex’s wounded souls?

Why doesn’t Facebook FORCE!!! someone to unblock another user?

Is it really true that a woman doesn’t care if her ex has a broken heart, but she purposely breaks his heart and doesn’t want him to date another man?

Why doesn’t a woman come back to her ex after three months to see if he has changed?

Evolution – a woman, who invests a lot in relationships, doesn’t wait for the unoptimal husband to change, because being unoptimal is in his biology? I don’t believe that.

It may be time to consider their biology. That’s why if a girl is broke from a guy, he should not allow her to have children. Otherwise, the genes that wire her to break up will be passed on. I’m talking eugenics!

An ideal girl would have a DISC personality of Influence, steady and Myers-Briggs type of ISFP, INFP, ESFP, or ENFP.

What if a girl was created for me, as in Pygmalion? Create a girl for me. Perfectly designed. I know the other guys would be jealous. Other girls would be jealous too.

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