Recovering from a breakup, a response to Craig Morris and

Seems counterintuitive. Shouldn’t evolution lead men to process what went wrong with a relationship their partner ended? Shouldn’t evolution lead men to learn life lessons from a breakup? Wouldn’t that help men succeed in a relationship with the next partner so he can pass his genes?

Also, there’s got to be some men that recover fully from a breakup. Isn’t there just so much variation between men? After all, not all men are the same and not all women are the same.

What about testosterone levels? Do men with higher testosterone levels recover faster or take longer to recover from a breakup than men with low testosterone levels? I looked everywhere on Google and couldn’t find an answer.

Other questions that I searched hard on Google but couldn’t find an answer to are “Are physically attractive women less romantic than average or unattractive women?” and “Are women or men more likely to come back to their ex?” or “Are women or men more likely to return to a broken relationship?” How do I request research to be done?

Toxic masculinity

Strong and ambitious women have made life so much worse for so many innocent men.

So many innocent men have their masculinity threatened.

Men are more aggressive towards strong and ambitious women than to average women, are they not? How could there not be Google results on such? Aren’t men more likely to use direct physical aggression towards women that threaten their masculinity.

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