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How guys could and do feel and respond to kisses from girls

I am adding to what I said in https://genderlovesexuality.wordpress.com/2021/11/06/how-a-guy-could-respond-to-kisses-from-a-girl/

If a girl says to the guy “Can I kiss you” as she comes in to kiss him, and he’s uncomfortable or uncertain, he could go “umm…” or “uh…”, then she should say “If you don’t want it, just say no thank you.” Maybe the guy would feel pleasure from kisses, he was just not prepared for her to make a move to kiss him, after she stops and says “if you don’t want it, you can just say no thank you,” he could say “No it’s ok, just go ahead.” She will then kiss him.

When a girl gives a guy kisses on the cheek, he can feel restless, excited, hyper, or shaky. Especially autistic guys. She could say “you’re sweating, relax!” Maybe he could take a breath, or listen to soothing music, have blowing coolness, essential oils, and/or have a massage.

If a girl approaches a guy trying to kiss his lips, he could back away like he would from a bear. He could go “uh…”, make a nervous smile, and then chuckle nervously. It’s like the scene of Wendy trying to kiss Peter Pan.

As for children, they are discouraged from kissing anyone but family members. If say, a nine year old girl gives a ten year old boy a lighthearted, superficial smooch/peck on the cheek, he could go “whoop!” and/or make a slightly uncomfortable chuckle or giggle.

Anyway, when a pretty, attractive girl kisses a guy on one cheek, he can turn the other cheek and let her kiss it. That’s a more pleasant new meaning of turning the other cheek, compared to Matthew 5:39.

Why do gender traits and differences not seem to be the ideal?

See https://genderlovesexuality.wordpress.com/2022/06/28/disappointing-gender-differences/ and https://genderlovesexuality.wordpress.com/2023/06/11/ideal-vs-actual-gender-traits-and-differences/

I stumbled on https://leewoof.org/2015/10/31/a-new-model-of-manhood/ which says that man’s masculinity is love coated in wisdom, while a woman’s femininity is wisdom coated in love.

Maybe men are born to love but develop wisdom over time, while women are born wise but develop love over time.

Be very cautious about what Lee Woofenden says, because he’s a fringe teacher of a Swedenborgian cult.

My comments on a 2021 big data study about men and women dealing with breakups


Why does Yahoo! News not allow comments on its posts?


I couldn’t find a comments section on that either. On both I clicked the author’s name but I didn’t see any contact email.

As for an earlier study…

https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/why-men-might-be-the-sex-that-suffers-more-after-a-110106781.html – Why do men not resolve the issue of went wrong in the previous relationship? Why didn’t men evolve to gain personal growth from breakups? I don’t see any evolutionary disadvantage in men resolving what went wrong in the previous relationship.. Wouldn’t doing such be an evolutionary advantage for men, since it would help them know what to do better in the next relationship? Wouldn’t they have greater chance to pass their genes with the next partner then? And why did men evolve to be cut off guard by breakup? I don’t see any evolutionary advantage in that. Wouldn’t analyzing relationships be an evolutionary advantage for men? I also think intuition would be an evolutionary advantage for men in mate-guarding, since they would then be able to predict if and when their partners are going to cheat.

My comments would be as follows

But why do men suffer more from breakups? Is there any biological reason? Why did evolution lead men to sufffer more from breakups? And why do false gender stereotypes exist? Why has society painted men as the unfeeling and detached sex? Why are gender stereotypes not accurate?

More thoughts

I search https://www.google.com/search?q=How+does+testosterone+affect+how+men+handle+breakups but it returns a bunch of JUNK results about married men having lower testosterone levels. I’m thinking of asking ChatGPT “How does testosterone affect how men deal with breakups.” You can also ask it, and if legal, you can write in a comment to my post the main idea of what ChatGPT said. Summarize what ChatGPT said.

Another thing, women should feel their ex’s broken hearts with empathy. Women should view things from their ex’s perspective. Part of treating your ex the way you want to be treated (Matthew 7:12 and Luke 6:31) would be to avoid breaking your ex’s heart at all costs. As for an eye for an eye (Leviticus 24:20), a woman should return love for love with her partner, and a man should not return love for no love. Edit: I forgot “Love your neighbor as yourself,” Matthew 19:19 and 22:39, Mark 12:31, and Galatians 5:14.

What about turning the other cheek (Matthew 5:39) when your partner abuses you?

Edit: A woman should rejoice in one boyfriend or husband who abandons her and returns, more than 99 boyfriends or husbands who never leave her. Is that extreme? Why would a woman have 100 boyfriend or husbands? That would be a polygamy.

Matthew 5:44 and Luke 6:27 do not refer to romantic love, I’m pretty sure the Greek word is agape. Check out https://leewoof.org/2012/12/09/can-christians-be-hardass/, but do so with caution, since I believe that Lee Woofenden is a fringe Swedenborgian false teacher of a cult.

And men that are heartbroken by a breakup will get another happier life with a partner they love, either from reincarnation as in Buddhism, or in Heaven as in Christianity. Science cannot prove that there’s no life after death. But there was something on American History Channel about conscience, quantum physics, and extraterrestrial aliens. I don’t know what would be on Discovery Channel.

Strengthening men with eugenics

https://thoughtcatalog.com/lorenzo-jensen-iii/2015/07/17-ways-that-science-proves-women-are-superior-to-men/ – why doesn’t Thought Catalog allow comments on its posts? I think Thought Catalog is a liberal company. This post is something a liberal would write. Lorenzo Jensen III is no doubt a liberal democrat. A conservative Republican wouldn’t write a post like that. I want to contact him (or her? It sound’s like a man’s name because it ends in the letter O), but I can’t find any place that gives his (her?) name

Gender studies are heavily biased towards women and against men. They point out all the strengths of women and weaknesses of men, but don’t give due weight to the strengths of men.

Why aren’t my subscribers sharing my posts with their friends, as I said in https://genderlovesexuality.wordpress.com/2022/10/24/about/? I want Lorenzo Jensen III to find this post. I want him to see this:

We should use eugenics to improve the strength of men so that they are not inferior to women. Alternatively to eugenics, we could genetically modify men to be stronger so that they are on par with women. Edit the Y chromosome. For example, add X-linked genes such as normal color vision to the Y chromosome, and many others.

Infidelity is BAD!

I decided to write another post.

I believe in moral absolutes, and that cheating on your partner is ALWAYS wrong! There’s absolutely NOTHING good about affairs!

Do unto others as you would have them do to you – Luke 6:31 and Matthew 7:12. That means avoiding breaking your partner’s or ex’s heart at all costs! Edit: There’s one more I forgot them, “Love your neighbor as yourself” (Matthew 19:19 and 22:39, Mark 12:31, and Galatians 5:14).

A woman should feel her ex man’s heartache. She should view things from her ex’s perspective. Edit: A woman who breaks her ex’s heart, will also have something happen that breaks her heart, per Hindu karma.

Wouldn’t it be nice if all romantic relationships were eternal, and that breakups never happened? Wouldn’t it be nice if all crushes were reciprocated, and that whatever girl a guy likes will always like him? Wouldn’t it be nice if all attraction was mutual, that no guy ever had a crush on any girl that doesn’t have a crush on him and that every girl always had a crush on a guy that has a crush on her?

Hypergamy STINKS!

Unattractive men don’t go with attractive women, why should unattractive women go with attractive men? That’s unbalanced and unfair.

Assortive mating is the ideal, NOT hypergamy!

Give ugly men plastic surgery so that they can be more attractive and win pretty girls. Also genetically modify men to be more attractive, and genetically edit hypergamy out of women. Engineer women to be hardwired for assortive mating.

I believe that men who are ugly and die without a mate, will live another life as a more attractive man with a pretty girl. It’s either by reincarnation like Hinduism and Buddhism, or by resurrection in Christianity. One cannot prove that there is no life after death – that’s completely beyond the realm of science.

I decided to write another post, scheduled to be published two weeks after this one.

The menstrual cycle is like conditional loops in programming

High-level language pseudocode below:

While (!fertilized) {
Luteal 15 days;
Follicular 15 days;
onEvent(fertilize) {
fertilized = true;

Or something like that. As for Assembly or machine conditional branch pseudocode…

Luteal 15-days;
Follicular 15 days;
Branch to <address of the beginning of code> if not fertilized. Otherwise Concieve.

Note that “flush()” refers to when a woman has her period.

Estrus cycle in most mammals would be like a while loop similarly to the above. While the females of most mammals have the estrus cycle, humans and a few non-human primates and a few cetaceans have concealed ovulation.

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